
ECHOCITIZEN Contest for young talents 15-22 years old

ECHOCITIZEN Contest for young talents 15-22 years old

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Join SDMed at EUGIC 2017 Budapest

Join SDMed at EUGIC 2017 Budapest

SDMed becomes endorser of the 2nd European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference ! Thus, SDMed Members can now receive the discount ticket of 200 EUR (from 300 EUR) for both days and...

About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

On the TV Antenna of the Greek Parliament, in "Member Card" coordinated by Matroni Dikaiakou, Stella Kyvelou is talking about "Green Infrastructure" in Europe with the presence of Dimitris...

Forum on Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry

Forum on Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry

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SDMED participates in the MARINESCAPE FORUM PIRAEUS.    Please download the Agenda of the MARINESCAPE FORUM PIRAEUS here ! AIM Continuing the successful initiative of the...

CISD : Natural Resources and Small Islands

CISD : Natural Resources and Small Islands

   Το Παρατηρητήριο Πολιτών για την...

Eco-neighborhoods : Where are we in Greece ?

On the occasion of  "World Environment Day 2012", the Greek-French and international SDMed Association ( together with Panteion University-Laboratory of strategic spatial...

Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

  Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction - organised by the ERFC with the participation of SDMed 31th March 2015, Athens, Greece VENUE : NATIONAL...

Nature and culture-based strategies and solutions for cities and territories : an idea whose time has come !

Nature and culture-based strategies and solutions for cities and territories : an idea whose time has come !

       On the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, SDMed Observation, Planning & Eco-innovation presents the International Conference "Nature &...

Greek ESPON-on-the-Road on press !

Greek ESPON-on-the-Road on press !

   BLOD.GR :  

Presentation of ESPONTrain, Brussels, Committee of the Regions,10 October 2014

Presentation of ESPONTrain, Brussels, Committee of the Regions,10 October 2014

Promoting the Use of European territorial evidence in practise. The ESPON National Contact Points capitalising efforts at transnational level This session  gave the stage to the...

ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

10 October 2014, 8h30 – 16h00 Aim and Structure of the ESPON Day The ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ aims at presenting mainachievements on European territorial...

Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

  European seas and coasts are important drivers of the economy. In 2012 the EU’s blue economy represented 5.4 million jobs and a gross added value of just under €500 billion per year2. In...

SDMed participates in the CreativeMED Conference

SDMed participates in the CreativeMED Conference

The CreativeMED project, capitalising five successful projects of the MED programme 2007-2013, aims to deliver a bottom-up smart specialisation framework leveraging the creativity and...

Balancing acoustic comfort with energy performance, air quality               and fire protection in buildings

Balancing acoustic comfort with energy performance, air quality and fire protection in buildings

The ECHOPOLIS 2013 e-Proceedings are now available !!  see among the articles published :  Kyvelou S., Floros C., : Building sustainability through integrated design process :...

ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference

ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference

ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference Are European planners familiar with ESPON findings? Integrating ESPON in higher education and policy making at central, regional and local levels...

"Territorial Development Opportunities in Europe and its Neighbourhood - Fostering Global Competitiveness", 5 - 6 December 2012

How to foster Europe’s competitiveness and integration through cooperation with neighbouring territories? Under this headline the first day of the Internal ESPON Seminar held in Cyprus on the 5...

SDMed hosted a major event:

SDMed hosted a major event: "EchoPolis Athina 2013"

    SDMed launched a major event in 2013 in Athens: "EchoPolis - Days of Sound 2013" Today, when western society is acutely concerned with the questions of individual existence,...



SDMed 2005 major event : SB05MED&Expo "Sustainable construction : action for sustainability in the mediterranean region"    For further information, please download : Film...

Demain la ville

Demain la ville

.     24.1.2012 SDMed supported the event "Demain la ville", 24/01/2012, 19h00 from INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE GRECE on Vimeo. At French Intitute of...

Urban regeneration and city branding: is memory an asset or an obstacle?

Urban regeneration and city branding: is memory an asset or an obstacle?"

Athens, Greece, June 19-23, 2010      "URBAN REGENERATION AND CITY BRANDING:IS MEMORY AN ASSET OR AN OBSTACLE?" 40th Annual Conference of the Johns Hopkins International...

Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean

Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean

The SBC Report : Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean was produced based on the outcomes of the SB05MED&Expo Conference and presented by...

SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

  SD-Med has been assigned honorary member of the SBC Italia which is member of the SBAlliance. For more information on the Italian initiatives on sustainable building, please visit our ...

2nd French-hellenic Meeting on sustainable development

2nd French-hellenic Meeting on sustainable development

  The 2nd French-hellenic Meeting for sustainable development, held on 16 and 17 march 2009 in the French Institute of Athens has had a great success !   About 300 participants,...

SDMed-IFA Event  2009

SDMed-IFA Event 2009

SDMed-IFA Joint Event  2009 Invitation : Dear friends and colleagues,  We are pleased to invite you to participate in the "2nd French-Hellenic Meeting for Sustainable Development"...

SDMed at the Building Green Show

SDMed at the Building Green Show

December 2008 : SD-Med presents its activities at the "Building Green" Show in "Expo Athens".    

SB08MED&Expo: The mediterranean city facing climate change

SB08MED&Expo: The mediterranean city facing climate change

2008 : SB08MED&Expo : "The mediterranean city facing climate change : innovation, investment, governance for a low-carbon city" for further information, please download : Video-spot of the...

What the others say for us !

What the others say for us !

  Contributing to the international movement for progress There are two ways of going about integrating the environment into an activity. One is to evaluate the quality of a product; the...

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    ECHOCITIZEN Contest for young talents 15-22 years old

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  • Join SDMed at EUGIC 2017 Budapest

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    Saturday, 04 November 2017 13:03
  • About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

    About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

    Tuesday, 02 May 2017 12:59
  • Forum on Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry

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    Sunday, 31 May 2015 14:05


    Monday, 25 May 2015 20:06
  • CISD : Natural Resources and Small Islands

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  • Eco-neighborhoods : Where are we in Greece ?

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  • Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

    Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

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  • ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

    ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

    Wednesday, 24 September 2014 09:46
  • Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

    Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

    Saturday, 21 June 2014 04:19
  • SDMed participates in the CreativeMED Conference

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    Urban regeneration and city branding: is memory an asset or an obstacle?"

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:08
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    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:08
  • SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

    SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

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    Saturday, 07 July 2012 21:59
  • What the others say for us !

    What the others say for us !

    Friday, 06 July 2012 07:18


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"Integrated development through land-sea interaction: dimensions and perspectives of blue growth in Europe and in Greece", Piraeus, 10,11&12. November 2014

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The Greek ESPON Contact Point hosts, this year, in Piraeus, two ESPONontheRoad meetings :

a Transnational ESPONontheRoad Workshop entitled "Integrated development through land-sea interaction: dimensions and perspectives of blue growth in Greece"  on the 10th and 11th November 2014

a National meeting entitled «Blue Growth for boosting jobs and youth entrepreneurship :  Employment Opportunities, Innovation & the contribution of Start Ups” on the 12th November 2014 

Venue of the events : Congress Hall of the Piraeus Port Authority (OLP), Akti Miaouli

The National Contact Point ESPON 2013, in the  framework of the transnational networking activity entitled "ESPON-on-the-ROAD" ( in which it is  currently participating as key partner in cooperation with 18 other countries and  Lead partner the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR),   organizes a Transnational Meeting in Piraeus on the 10th and 11th November 2014.

The meeting is aiming at presenting and analyzing  all dimensions that  "Blue Growth»  has for our country, especially  in times of economic crisis and substantial reforms in spatial and urban planning and coastal zone management . The title of the meeting "Integrated development through land-sea interaction: dimensions and perspectives of blue growth in Greece" clearly shows  the emphasis on unfolding the territorial  potential  of coastal areas and stressing the interest on the maritime dimension of   Europe 2020 Strategy by using the triptych of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

The event, through a series of thematic priorities and documentation by specialists and experts, aims at highlighting  the forms of land-sea interaction as elements of integrated coastal zone management and development, also in response to the need for an effective Maritime Spatial Planning that is expected to be formed in the coming years in the context of the European Blue Growth strategy and the Territorial Agenda of the EU 2020. According to the Territorial Agenda

Maritime activities are essential for territorial cohesion in Europe......... The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and EU Integrated Maritime Policy call for coordinated actions from Member States on maritime spatial planning. Such planning should be integrated into the existing planning systems to enable harmonious and sustainable development of a land-sea continuum.’ 

Why  Piraeus  ?

The selection of Piraeus as the reception area of this event was designed to highlight its importance for both our country and  Europe  as well.  Besides, Piraeus, the largest port in Greece and one of the most important Mediterranean ports will host the European Maritime Day on May 2015.

This meeting is expected to become a forerunner of the European Maritime Day in all Blue Growth issues. Thus different stakeholders are invited to attend the meeting, public and private bodies, as well as experts and researchers in relevant matters.

All aspects of "Blue Growth" will be presented, analyzed and discussed and  conclusions  will be published  in a collective electronic volume (e-book) that will be disseminated  to policy makers.

The meeting has been placed under the auspices of : 1. The Hellenic Ministry of Marine and Aegean 2. the Hellenic Ministrty of Tourism 3. The Piraeus Port Authority , 4. The Decentralized Administration of the Aegean and 5.the Municipality of Piraeus

For further information please download the relevant document here !

See also the the Programme of the Meetings here : 

1. in english : Agenda (EN, DOCX)  and Agenda (EN, PDF)

2. in greek : Αgenda ( EL, DOCX) and Agenda (EL,PDF) 


and download the poster of the event here ! 


Stay informed about ESPONontheRoad activities through its facebook 

Registration : In order to participate in the Event an online registration is needed. Please REGISTER HERE ! 

Under the aegis of : 

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Read also : Report from the ESPON Open Seminar in Nafplion - Greece, 4 and 5 June 2014 in the framework of the Greel Presidency to the EU Council

ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels


10 October 2014, 8h30 – 16h00

Aim and Structure of the ESPON Day

The ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ aims at presenting main
achievements on European territorial evidence from the ESPON 2013 Programme, including a
synthesis of main results.
Its purpose is three-fold:
1. To present ESPON 2013 Programme’s achievements including its major projects.
2. To communicate evidence-based policy messages that address major challenges facing
cities, regions, countries and Europe.
3. To show how ESPON evidence can help improve policy development adding the European
territorial context in many policy areas at the European, national, regional and local levels.

The event, being organised at the crossroads between two programming periods, will also bridge
to the upcoming specific objectives and new institutional arrangements of ESPON 2020.

Target audience 

Policy makers at all levels, including representatives from EC, EP, CoR, EESC; practitioners,
scientists, experts; stakeholders of ESPON Targeted Analyses; Lead and Project Partners of
ESPON projects; ESPON Monitoring Committee Members; ESPON National Contact Points;
media and opinion leaders; general public. 


Committee of the Regions – room JDE 52
Bâtiment Jacques Delors
Rue Belliard 99-101
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium



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Stella Kyvelou : Presentation of ESPONTrain 


Presentation of ESPONTrain, Brussels, Committee of the Regions,10 October 2014

Promoting the Use of European territorial evidence in practise.

The ESPON National Contact Points capitalising efforts at transnational level

This session  gave the stage to the national ESPON Contact Points to show how their activities during the 2013 Programme helped to activate transnational
interest in ESPON by involvement of policy makers, practitioners and scientists.

ESPON Transnational Networking Activities by the ECP Network (Priority 4)
− Peter Billing, ESPON Coordination Unit

ESPONontheRoad - Bringing ESPON evidence closer to decision making
− Peter Schön, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and
Spatial Development (BBSR), Lead Partner of ESPONontheRoad
Panel discussion on experiences of creating awareness among policy
makers and practitioners in transnational and national contexts
− Olaf Foss, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research,
Lead Partner of ENECON
− Frédéric Santamaria, Université Paris Diderot, Lead Partner of CADEC
− Stella Kyvelou, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens,
Lead Partner of ESPONTrain
− Estelle Evrard, University of Luxembourg, Partner of SCALES
− Maria Prezioso, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Partner of INTERSTRAT
− Michael Harris, Royal Town Planning Institute, Lead Partner of USESPON


   10447634 890652524279331 5153315137319795375 n     10698651 775834592459965 7236997941485715079 n


Stella Kyvelou : Presentation of ESPONTrain 


Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction


mapa partners

Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction - organised by the ERFC with the participation of SDMed

31th March 2015, Athens, Greece


09:00 - 09:30 Arrivals and Registration of participants
09:30 Welcome by:
• Mr. Yiannis Tsironis – Deputy Minister of Reconstruction of Production, Environment and Energy
• Mr. Nikolas Petropoulos – President of ERFC
• Dr Stella Kyvelou - Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences – President of SDMed Observation, Planning and Eco-innovation
• Mr. Michalis Christakis – President of the Hellenic Association of General Secretaries of Local Authorities 

9:30 - 11:30 
Presentation (analysis) of the Context
1. The ppPp model in Europe, Dirk Knapen Rescoop Europe2. ECOPOWER, Mr. Karel Derveaux 
3. Blue Economy, Mr. Gunter Pauli
4. Social Funding , Goran Geras, EBANKA, Private Cooperative Bank
5. Biogas Heat and ppPp Model, Ingo Wagner (tbc)
6. Consumers become Producers, The Paradigm of Schonau in Germany, Mrs. Ursula Sladek (tbc)

7. EU Financing Enterprise Europe Network, Georgia Tzenou, Dirk Knapen 
8. Guidelines of the ppPp Model, Kappa Network 
9. The Oxfutures Project a Paradigm Action on Energy, Dr. Barbara Hammond 
10. The ppPp initiatives in Greece, Representatives of Greek Cooperatives in Renewable Energy, Waste and Recycling 

11:30 - 11:50 COFFEE BREAK

11:50 - 13:30 
Coordinators Mr. Dirk Knapen &  Mr. Theodoros Patsoules 
Topics of discussion:
• Application framework of the Public, Private, People Partnerships 
• Opportunities / challenges for the development of the ppPp model in Energy Efficiency, Waste to Energy and the Production of Energy from RES
• Suggested actions
• Conclusions 

Participants: Representatives from Energy Sector, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Municipalities, Public Power Corporation etc.

13:30 - 14:30 LUNCH BREAK

14:30 - 16:00 
(≈ 15' each) Presentation of Synergetic Projects: 

1. REPUBLIC-MED - Mr George Stavrakakis
2. GRASP - Professor Yorgos Stephanedes
3. INFORMEST – Mrs. Vanesca Simson (REMIDA ppPp Pilot projects)
4. ERFC – Mr. Theodoros Patsoules (Presentation of ESCOs Study objectives)
5. EU Financing in Energy Efficiency Projects 
6. Presentation of New Technologies in Energy Efficiency and Waste to Energy 
7. Presentations of ppPp Best Practices in Greece  

16:00 - 16:15 COFFEE BREAK

Coordinator Dr. Stella Kyvelou, Panteion University, SDNed 
The role of ESCOs in MED EU countries, opportunities / challenges for the development of ESCOs market (Identification of Existing problems, Solution Proposals, Concluded Actions) 
Participants: Representatives from Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Universities, Banks, Crowdfunding, EU Financing, Municipalities etc.

17:15-18.00 Open discussion 

remida 21

   NEW !!!! Download  FINAL AGENDA of the Meeting here ! 


   Please REGISTER HERE ! 

Eco-neighborhoods : Where are we in Greece ?

On the occasion of  "World Environment Day 2012", the Greek-French and international SDMed Association ( together with Panteion University-Laboratory of strategic spatial planning and sustainable development, supported by the Association of Citizens " Paremvassi" ( organised in Athens, a public debate entitled " Econeighborhoods - Green neighborhoods:where are we in Greece? "

At the Roundtable, held at the Foundation Michalis Kakogiannis, 206, Pireos Street, Athens, on Thursday, June 7, 2012 from 18.00h-21.00h, were involved:
• Giannis Polyzos, Professor, National Technical University of Athens, former Chairman of the   Athens Master Plan Organisation
• Spyros Pollalis, Professor at Harvard University, President of SA Elliniko
• Margarita Karavassili, Architect - Urban Planner, Special Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Energy and climate change.
• Stella Kyvelou, Architect - Planner, Assistant Professor, Panteion University of Athens, President of  SDMed

The Roundtable discussion was moderated by Pericles Vassilopoulos, Journalist, Vice President of the association of citizens "Paremvassi" and the event was opened by Professor Ismini Kriari, Vice Rector of   Panteion University of Athens.The text of the communication of the event is as follows:

"BedZED, Rackheath, Hammarby, ΒΟ 01 (Malmo), Kronsberg, Vesterbro, Kolding, Mata de Sesimbra, Enternucleos, Faenza, Dunkirk, Lille, Douai, Le Havre, Nanterre, Limeil-Brevannes, Rennes, Angers, Nantes, Poitiers, Mulhouse, Chalon-sur-Saone, Lyon, Grenoble, Echirolles, Narbonne ........ European territory tends to be a major innovative urban environmental site    nowadays ! The speed of  designing and implementing  eco-neighborhoods is today unprecedented!  Sustainable development founds finally its ideal operational application on the territory... ... The themes and options are varied and extremely interesting : alternative means of transport,   limitation of   of private cars, low energy buildings,  zero energy or even positive energy buildings, use of rainwater, green materials, urban and social mix, combination with social housing projects, promotion of sustainable lifestyles in general ...

Eco-neighborhoods are everywhere exemplary   urban projects, promoted by their communities as "vitrines" of technical know-how and sustainability related action and as tools of communication both nationally and internationally .....

And we,  in the Mediterranean and particularly in Greece, where are we?

• Is it, first of all, possible and useful to create an eco-neighborhood policy, in the context of the economic crisis and current recession?
• Who will take the initiative for these exemplary projects, which institution will be responsible for coordinating and implementing such steps?
• Are there already relevant appropriate tools or instruments or should we invent new?
• What lessons can be learned from the up to date small scale pilot attempts  ?
• Can  these "eco-developments  become engines for sustainable urban development and construction of sustainable housing of low or moderate cost?
• Could   eco-neighborhood projects also be a solution for the development of public land and for building housing for low-income households?
• Can   eco-neighborhoods offer an opportunity for the renewal of the urban fabric and   increase of green space, especially in Athens, but also for the renewal of the "brand name" both for   Athens  and for our secondary cities as well ?
• What instruments and tools, either political or economic and financial engineering, could countries, regions and cities of Greece  use to implement such ecodevelopment projects?
• What impact will have Econeighborhoods on the real estate market,   undoubtedly related to the production of "green value"?
• Which could be the best tool for planning and assessment of an greek econeighborhood  ?
The event will bring together every stakeholder who can make it happen: universities, research centers, central government and local authorities, developers, representatives of civil society .. "

For more information, please contact : Panteion University, Ms. Martina Kalokairinou, Tel: 0030 210-9221066 and 0030 210-9236206, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  .

The event was fully recorded by the Bodossakis Foundation (