
ECHOCITIZEN Contest for young talents 15-22 years old

ECHOCITIZEN Contest for young talents 15-22 years old

  "My City, sounds and emotions" Contest for youngsters 2017 In the framework of the ECHOCITIZEN action a contest amongst young people 15-22 years old, is taking place.  2017...

Join SDMed at EUGIC 2017 Budapest

Join SDMed at EUGIC 2017 Budapest

SDMed becomes endorser of the 2nd European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference ! Thus, SDMed Members can now receive the discount ticket of 200 EUR (from 300 EUR) for both days and...

About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

On the TV Antenna of the Greek Parliament, in "Member Card" coordinated by Matroni Dikaiakou, Stella Kyvelou is talking about "Green Infrastructure" in Europe with the presence of Dimitris...

Forum on Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry

Forum on Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry

               «Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry on Coastal, Insular and River Destinations» Ancient Olympia,...



SDMED participates in the MARINESCAPE FORUM PIRAEUS.    Please download the Agenda of the MARINESCAPE FORUM PIRAEUS here ! AIM Continuing the successful initiative of the...

CISD : Natural Resources and Small Islands

CISD : Natural Resources and Small Islands

   Το Παρατηρητήριο Πολιτών για την...

Eco-neighborhoods : Where are we in Greece ?

On the occasion of  "World Environment Day 2012", the Greek-French and international SDMed Association ( together with Panteion University-Laboratory of strategic spatial...

Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

  Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction - organised by the ERFC with the participation of SDMed 31th March 2015, Athens, Greece VENUE : NATIONAL...

Nature and culture-based strategies and solutions for cities and territories : an idea whose time has come !

Nature and culture-based strategies and solutions for cities and territories : an idea whose time has come !

       On the occasion of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, SDMed Observation, Planning & Eco-innovation presents the International Conference "Nature &...

Greek ESPON-on-the-Road on press !

Greek ESPON-on-the-Road on press !

   BLOD.GR :  

Presentation of ESPONTrain, Brussels, Committee of the Regions,10 October 2014

Presentation of ESPONTrain, Brussels, Committee of the Regions,10 October 2014

Promoting the Use of European territorial evidence in practise. The ESPON National Contact Points capitalising efforts at transnational level This session  gave the stage to the...

ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

10 October 2014, 8h30 – 16h00 Aim and Structure of the ESPON Day The ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ aims at presenting mainachievements on European territorial...

Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

  European seas and coasts are important drivers of the economy. In 2012 the EU’s blue economy represented 5.4 million jobs and a gross added value of just under €500 billion per year2. In...

SDMed participates in the CreativeMED Conference

SDMed participates in the CreativeMED Conference

The CreativeMED project, capitalising five successful projects of the MED programme 2007-2013, aims to deliver a bottom-up smart specialisation framework leveraging the creativity and...

Balancing acoustic comfort with energy performance, air quality               and fire protection in buildings

Balancing acoustic comfort with energy performance, air quality and fire protection in buildings

The ECHOPOLIS 2013 e-Proceedings are now available !!  see among the articles published :  Kyvelou S., Floros C., : Building sustainability through integrated design process :...

ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference

ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference

ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference Are European planners familiar with ESPON findings? Integrating ESPON in higher education and policy making at central, regional and local levels...

"Territorial Development Opportunities in Europe and its Neighbourhood - Fostering Global Competitiveness", 5 - 6 December 2012

How to foster Europe’s competitiveness and integration through cooperation with neighbouring territories? Under this headline the first day of the Internal ESPON Seminar held in Cyprus on the 5...

SDMed hosted a major event:

SDMed hosted a major event: "EchoPolis Athina 2013"

    SDMed launched a major event in 2013 in Athens: "EchoPolis - Days of Sound 2013" Today, when western society is acutely concerned with the questions of individual existence,...



SDMed 2005 major event : SB05MED&Expo "Sustainable construction : action for sustainability in the mediterranean region"    For further information, please download : Film...

Demain la ville

Demain la ville

.     24.1.2012 SDMed supported the event "Demain la ville", 24/01/2012, 19h00 from INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE GRECE on Vimeo. At French Intitute of...

Urban regeneration and city branding: is memory an asset or an obstacle?

Urban regeneration and city branding: is memory an asset or an obstacle?"

Athens, Greece, June 19-23, 2010      "URBAN REGENERATION AND CITY BRANDING:IS MEMORY AN ASSET OR AN OBSTACLE?" 40th Annual Conference of the Johns Hopkins International...

Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean

Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean

The SBC Report : Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean was produced based on the outcomes of the SB05MED&Expo Conference and presented by...

SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

  SD-Med has been assigned honorary member of the SBC Italia which is member of the SBAlliance. For more information on the Italian initiatives on sustainable building, please visit our ...

2nd French-hellenic Meeting on sustainable development

2nd French-hellenic Meeting on sustainable development

  The 2nd French-hellenic Meeting for sustainable development, held on 16 and 17 march 2009 in the French Institute of Athens has had a great success !   About 300 participants,...

SDMed-IFA Event  2009

SDMed-IFA Event 2009

SDMed-IFA Joint Event  2009 Invitation : Dear friends and colleagues,  We are pleased to invite you to participate in the "2nd French-Hellenic Meeting for Sustainable Development"...

SDMed at the Building Green Show

SDMed at the Building Green Show

December 2008 : SD-Med presents its activities at the "Building Green" Show in "Expo Athens".    

SB08MED&Expo: The mediterranean city facing climate change

SB08MED&Expo: The mediterranean city facing climate change

2008 : SB08MED&Expo : "The mediterranean city facing climate change : innovation, investment, governance for a low-carbon city" for further information, please download : Video-spot of the...

What the others say for us !

What the others say for us !

  Contributing to the international movement for progress There are two ways of going about integrating the environment into an activity. One is to evaluate the quality of a product; the...

  • ECHOCITIZEN Contest for young talents 15-22 years old

    ECHOCITIZEN Contest for young talents 15-22 years old

    Sunday, 12 November 2017 10:36
  • Join SDMed at EUGIC 2017 Budapest

    Join SDMed at EUGIC 2017 Budapest

    Saturday, 04 November 2017 13:03
  • About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

    About Green Infrastructure : Europe, Greece

    Tuesday, 02 May 2017 12:59
  • Forum on Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry

    Forum on Economic Impacts of the Cruise Industry

    Sunday, 31 May 2015 14:05


    Monday, 25 May 2015 20:06
  • CISD : Natural Resources and Small Islands

    CISD : Natural Resources and Small Islands

    Sunday, 19 April 2015 07:13
  • Eco-neighborhoods : Where are we in Greece ?

    Wednesday, 25 March 2015 09:24
  • Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

    Conference of the Pioneers of the Local Authorities in Energy Cost Reduction

    Friday, 06 March 2015 18:01
  • Nature and culture-based strategies and solutions for cities and territories : an idea whose time has come !

    Nature and culture-based strategies and solutions for cities and territories : an idea whose time...

    Wednesday, 25 February 2015 16:33
  • Greek ESPON-on-the-Road on press !

    Greek ESPON-on-the-Road on press !

    Thursday, 11 December 2014 21:23
  • "Integrated development through land-sea interaction: dimensions and perspectives of blue growth...

    Wednesday, 23 July 2014 07:49
  • Presentation of ESPONTrain, Brussels, Committee of the Regions,10 October 2014

    Presentation of ESPONTrain, Brussels, Committee of the Regions,10 October 2014

    Sunday, 12 October 2014 12:01
  • ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

    ESPON Day ‘What European Territory Today and Tomorrow?’ 10 October 2014, Brussels

    Wednesday, 24 September 2014 09:46
  • Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

    Workshop on Smart Blue Growth, Nafplion, 4 june 2014

    Saturday, 21 June 2014 04:19
  • SDMed participates in the CreativeMED Conference

    SDMed participates in the CreativeMED Conference

    Monday, 31 March 2014 10:59
  • Balancing acoustic comfort with energy performance, air quality               and fire protection in buildings

    Balancing acoustic comfort with energy performance, air quality and fire protection...

    Monday, 23 December 2013 09:11
  • ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference

    ESPONTrain Final Transnational Conference

    Monday, 08 April 2013 10:35
  • "Territorial Development Opportunities in Europe and its Neighbourhood - Fostering Global...

    Thursday, 13 December 2012 14:23
  • SDMed hosted a major event:

    SDMed hosted a major event: "EchoPolis Athina 2013"

    Thursday, 17 January 2013 22:02
  • SB05MED&Expo-LIFE SB-MED Event

    SB05MED&Expo-LIFE SB-MED Event

    Wednesday, 01 August 2012 06:30
  • Demain la ville

    Demain la ville

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:10
  • Urban regeneration and city branding: is memory an asset or an obstacle?

    Urban regeneration and city branding: is memory an asset or an obstacle?"

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:08
  • Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean

    Action plan for sustainable building and construction in the Mediterranean

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:08
  • SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

    SDMed becomes member of SBC Italia

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:06
  • 2nd French-hellenic Meeting on sustainable development

    2nd French-hellenic Meeting on sustainable development

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:05
  • SDMed-IFA Event  2009

    SDMed-IFA Event 2009

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:03
  • SDMed at the Building Green Show

    SDMed at the Building Green Show

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 22:01
  • SB08MED&Expo: The mediterranean city facing climate change

    SB08MED&Expo: The mediterranean city facing climate change

    Saturday, 07 July 2012 21:59
  • What the others say for us !

    What the others say for us !

    Friday, 06 July 2012 07:18


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705044 528475957163658 678584734 oPROFESSOR GRAHAM GARBUTT

B.Sc., B.Arch., M.A.




2009-2011: Visiting Professor of Governance and Development, University of the West of England.


  • UK representative and past president of the European Association of State Territorial Representatives (regional prefects, governors, queen’s commissioners, etc.).
  • UK representative, EUROPA universities network. Presentations and seminars on governance, constitutional and policy issues.
  • Work with OECD including advisor on national and regional governance to the recent Territorial Review of Chile; presentations to ministers and officials.
  • Work with Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) in Strasbourg including induction for new students on legislative and constitutional arrangements.
  • Training for Whitehall civil servants on central/local relations.
  • Independent chairman of Cheltenham Development Task Force in south-west England, a partnership of statutory and other bodies.
  • Independent chairman of Inquiry into failure of Cotswold Water Park and associated criminal activity.
  • Work with individual European countries, for example security issues in Norway and regional development in Finland.


2005-2009: Chief Executive, Countryside Agency and Commission for Rural Communities, London and Cheltenham.


  • Senior national official providing advice to government (Environment Department and others) on sustainable rural communities.
  • Created successful new national government agency. Negotiation and advice on new legislation and briefings to ministers and officials. Accounting officer with full audit and risk responsibilities.
  • Presentation and advocacy of policy change up to Cabinet level, and development of effective external communication/media strategy.
  • National interventions to ensure effective responses to emergencies including flooding and animal diseases.
  • Leading role in EU Rural Development Programme for England and development of structures for implementation and community involvement.
  • Chairing of, and speeches and presentations to, national and international conferences and seminars.
  • Personal leadership to build ‘new consensus’ on English land-use planning and sustainable development policy across national agencies.


2001-2005: Regional Director, Government Office for the West Midlands, Office of Deputy Prime Minister, Birmingham and London


  • Senior civil servant in charge of one of nine regional Government Offices in England, serving a population of 5.3 million with programmes across ten government departments. Annual budgets of about £1bn and European programmes of £950m. Advising, briefing and accompanying ministers, European commissioners, etc.
  • Leading government official in development of regional spatial strategy and regional housing strategy, based on principles of sustainable development. Close cooperation with local authorities, environmental organisations, voluntary sector, etc.
  • Set up and chaired the Regional Resilience Forum comprising armed forces, police and other emergency services, local government, voluntary organisations, media, etc. Management of major training exercises.
  • Personal interventions in specific crises to integrate government and EU support.
  • Managed UK’s largest European Objective 2 programme, with best national performance and major regeneration impacts.
  • Support to governments in Hungary and Romania on management and capacity building, including presentations, staff secondments, etc.
  • Successful interventions to improve local government performance; most improved region.
  • National lead role for Government Offices with HM Treasury and universities.


1990-2001: Chief Executive, Gloucester City Council


  • Executive head of successful city local authority with awards and citations across service areas.
  • Initiated improvements to emergency and resilience arrangements and led response to local crises, e.g. floods, industrial explosion, etc. Management of financial, media and other impacts.
  • Initiated urban regeneration strategy and a number of successful sustainable development projects including regeneration of historic docks and other sites.
  • Initiated work with universities and colleges to develop new campuses and research partnerships.
  • Initiated community and economic development programmes.




  • Director, Canning Town and Custom House Project, Newham, east London
  • Policy and Programmes Coordinator, London Borough of Hackney
  • Housing Renewal Coordinator, London Borough of Haringey
  • Visiting Lecturer, Urban Policy and Regeneration, AA Graduate School, London
  • Founding Chair, Bondway Housing Association, Vauxhall, London
  • Housing and Planning consultant, Nigeria
  • Tutor in Urban Design, University of Sheffield
  • Planning Assistant, Peak Park Planning Board




  • M.A. Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield,1974
  • B.Sc.; B.Arch.(First Class Honours), University of Bath, 1972
  • Civil Service Top Management Programme, 2004